Taking a screenshot

If you're having a problem with something in Fastmail displaying incorrectly, you're seeing an error message, or you're having an issue that you're not sure how to describe, screenshots are an incredibly helpful way to show our support team the exact issue that you're experiencing.

If your screenshot contains information that you consider private or sensitive, you are welcome to block those out using image editing tools on your device, such as Paint, Preview, or Markup.

Below, we'll include steps for taking screenshots on some common operating systems.

Windows 10

Click on the Start Menu, and start typing "snipping" into the search box. You will see the Snipping Tool program show up in the Programs list. Click to start the program.

In the Snipping Tool program, click New to start making a screenshot.

Position your cursor at one corner of the portion of the screen you want to capture, then click and hold, and drag it to the other corner of the portion you want to capture. Then release the mouse button. This will create a window showing your selection.

Click Save in Snipping Tool, or use Control+s on your keyboard to save the screenshot.

Note: You can email a screenshot without saving it by using the Send To button on the Snipping Tool toolbar.

Other Windows versions

Pressing Alt+Print Screen will copy the current selected window to your clipboard. To send this window to us, you will need to open a graphics program, like Windows Paint, and paste it into a file.

To open Paint, click Start, then All ProgramsAccessoriesPaint. Then, click in the white section of the screen, and paste your screenshot. You can either go to the Edit menu and click Paste or you can press and hold Control+v.

Click FileSave As. In the box that pops up, change the Save As Type to PNG or JPG. Type in a filename for your image. Choose a place to save, such as the desktop, and click Save. You can then attach the screenshot to your support ticket.


To take a screenshot of your whole screen on a Mac, press Command+Shift+3.

To take a screenshot of just a portion of your screen, press Command+Shift+4. This will turn your cursor into a "target" icon (similar to a plus sign). You can then position your cursor at one corner of the portion of the screen you want to capture, then click and hold, and drag it to the other corner of the portion you want to capture.

This will automatically create an image file on your desktop, titled Screen Shot <date and time>. You can then attach the screenshot to your support ticket.


For iPhones and iPads without front home buttons:

  1. Simultaneously press the side button on the right side of the device and the Volume Up button on the left side of the device.
  2. The screen will flash momentarily.
  3. The screenshot will be saved in your Photos camera roll. You can then attach the screenshot to your support ticket.

For iPhones and iPad with front home buttons:

  1. Simultaneously press the front button on the device and the power button on top of the device.
  2. The screen will flash momentarily.
  3. The screenshot will be saved in your Photos camera roll. You can then attach the screenshot to your support ticket.


If your device is on Android 4.0 or newer, holding down the volume down + power buttons (or home + power buttons) at the same time should take a screenshot.

If that doesn't work, you can find your device in this list and follow the instructions.

Screenshots can be found in the Gallery app under the Screenshot album.

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