Sharing calendars with other users

This page is about sharing calendars to other users in the same account. If you want to share calendars with a wider audience, please see our general calendar sharing guide.

Account sharing

Users in a multi-user account can share calendars with each other. There are many options for users sharing a calendar within a single account, and it is much easier to operate than using a public calendar. On multi-user accounts, other users can also be given permission to edit the calendar directly, not just read it.

To share a calendar with someone else in your account:

  1. Open the Settings → Calendars screen.
  2. Find the calendar in the list and click the Edit & share button.
  3. In the Team sharing section, enter the email address of the user you wish to share the calendar with, then click Add.
  4. Select the level of access you want this user to have to the calendar. The options are:

    • can only view
    • can make changes
    • can make changes and share.
  5. Be sure to click Save when you're done.

The calendar will now appear in the accounts of the people you shared it with. If you have given them access to make changes to the calendar, they will be able to create new events, as well as modify or delete existing ones. If you have given them "only view" access, all events in the calendar will be read-only.

You can revoke a user's access to a shared calendar at any time by going back to Settings → Calendars, clicking Edit & share, and changing the user's access in the Team sharing section.

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