Sidebar: info at a glance

Use the right-hand sidebar to keep all your most important information readily available while you manage your email. 

When viewing your email in the Fastmail web interface, the sidebar lets you quickly view your calendars and contacts, or see events, people, and attachments related to the message you're reading.


The sidebar can be toggled open or closed by clicking the page icon (shown above) on the top right corner of the web interface. The sidebar can also be opened or closed using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+i (Mac) or Control+Shift+i (Windows).


Click the Calendar tab to view your calendar events. 


Click a new date within the mini calendar to jump to a different day. Click the dot icon at the top right hand side of the mini calendar to return to today.

Click the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner (shown here as No calendars) to choose whether you view some, all, or none of your calendars and calendar groups. 

Calendar events are shown by default in agenda view, which shows events in the form of a compact list. Click the three dots at the top of the sidebar to change the event view to 1 day or 3 days side-by-side.

The mini calendar is shown by default in monthly view. Click the three dots at the top of the sidebar and select Week to show a single week instead.


Search for a past or future event by clicking the magnifying glass icon and typing a phrase.

Add a calendar event by clicking the plus icon.

Click Open calendar in new tab at the bottom of the sidebar to open your full calendar in a new browser tab.


When viewing your inbox, clicking People will display your Contacts list.

When viewing a message, clicking People will show details for the senders and recipients in the conversation. If a message is addressed to multiple people, they will be displayed as a list.

Clicking on a contact in the sidebar allows you to see their contact details, previous email conversations with this contact, and any upcoming calendar events that you have with this contact.


Click the Call or Message icons to call or message this contact using your device's default calling or messaging programs. Click the Compose or Invite icons to compose an email or send a calendar invitation to this contact through Fastmail.

If the contact is not already in your address book, click the Add to Contacts button to add them. If they are already in your address book, click the Edit button to edit the contact's details. Click the star icon beside the Edit button to add this contact to your VIP list.

Click Open contact in new tab at the bottom of the sidebar to view the contact in your address book in a new browser tab.


When viewing a message, click Attachments to view all attachments in the thread. Attachments are sorted according to the sender and date of the original message. Click the attachment to preview in Fastmail, or click the arrow icon to download.


What's new

Click the New tab to learn about Fastmail's latest features. A yellow dot will appear next to this tab whenever a new feature has been added.


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