Logged in sessions

By default, logged in sessions will end after 2 hours of inactivity. If you don't want to log in every time you access your mail, you can select Keep me logged in from the login screen.

You can go to your Settings → Privacy & Security → Logged in sessions screen to see all devices where your Fastmail account is currently logged in. The location, browser/client, date, and time will be listed for each session. From this screen, you can also access a list of all logins within the last 4 weeks.

Keep me logged in

If you don't want to log in every time you access your mail, and you're on a private computer that nobody else uses, you can select the Keep me logged in checkbox on the login screen. Selecting this checkbox means that your browser will remember that you are logged in for 30 days, or until you click Log out.

When Keep me logged in is selected, we will cache more of your personal data in your browser between visits. If you are experiencing an issue where you are getting logged out despite having Keep me logged in selected, it may be an issue with your browser or cookie settings.

Security warning: Using the Keep me logged in feature means that your Fastmail account will have no password protection on that computer while it is enabled. Your email will be available to anyone who has access to your computer, making it vulnerable to malicious misuse.

Remotely log out

If you left yourself logged in at an internet cafe or on a friend's computer, don't worry: you can easily remotely log out of any device that you are currently logged into.

To remotely log out of your account:

  1. Open the Settings → Privacy & Security screen.
  2. Under the Logged in sessions heading, click Review access.
  3. Click the Log out button for the session you wish to end.

View all logins in the last 4 weeks

At the bottom of the Logged in sessions screen is a link to your login log, where you can view a history of every time you logged in to your account over the last four weeks.

The login log will show you:

  • Service: What service accessed your account (i.e., web, IMAP, CalDAV).
  • Login result: Whether the login was a successful or failed attempt.
  • IP: The IP address of the login.
  • Date: The date and time of the login.
  • Count: How many times this type of login has occurred.
  • Detail: The device or verification method used.

You can download your login log in CSV format.

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