How to change a username

Your username is the email address you use to log in to your Fastmail account.

For security purposes, you cannot change a username more than twice every seven days, or more than once in 24 hours. Your username cannot be changed during your trial period.

If you are on a multi-user account, you must have admin access to change your username or the username of any other user in your account.

To rename an account:

  1. Go to the Settings → Users & Sharing screen.
  2. Click the Edit button on the user you want to rename.
  3. Click Rename.

  4. Enter what you'd like your new username to be. Check your new address to make sure it's exactly what you want.
  5. Click Save.

When you rename an account, the old username will be automatically added as an alias, so it will still be able to send and receive messages. If you don't want to send or receive messages at your old username, you can delete the alias on the Settings → Users & Sharing screen.

Limitations: Dots and hyphens

Due to an internal technical limitation, we cannot allow dots (.) in usernames at Fastmail-owned domains. Dots are allowed in usernames at your own custom domain, and in additional aliases (even at Fastmail domains).

We also cannot allow hyphens (-) in any usernames or aliases at Fastmail-owned domains. Hyphens are allowed in aliases at your own custom domain only.

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