Sharing mail

About sharing

You can create shared mail folders between all or some users in your account. For people in a business, this can provide easy coordination of job applicants or sales enquiries. For family members, this can allow for easier sharing of communication over upcoming events.

The folder owner has control over who can see shared mail, so your private data remains private.

All messages within a shared folder count towards the folder owner's mail quota.

Draft messages can be shared by dragging-and-dropping the draft into a shared folder.

How to share a folder

Anyone in the account can create a shared folder and select which users they'd like to share it with.

  1. Go to Settings → Folders.
  2. Click Edit on the folder you want to share, or click the Create folder button to create a new one.
  3. Click Show advanced preferences. Under Team sharing, enter the username you would like to share the folder with, then choose the sharing permissions for this user from the dropdown menu.
  4. Be sure to click Save.

Owners of a shared folder can choose between two settings for how mail is marked as read: if anyone reads a message, it's marked read for everyone, or messages are seen as unread to each person until they read it. This option can be toggled in the Settings → Folders screen under Team Sharing.

Users who own shared folders will see these folders listed in Settings → Folders by default.

Users who have a folder shared with them, but do not own the folder, can see these folders by clicking the drop down menu at the top right of the Settings → Folders screen and selecting the account that owns the folder.

You can make changes to folder sharing options for multiple folders at a time. To do so, click on the checkboxes for the folders you wish to change sharing settings for, then click Edit.

Changing and removing permissions

Folder sharing has three main settings for permissions:

  • This user can only view. Users with this permission can view, forward, copy to another folder, and reply to messages in the shared folder.
  • This user can make changes. Users with this permission are able to delete mail in the folder and add new messages into the shared folder.
  • This user can make changes and share. Users with permission to make changes can take any action on messages in the shared folder and can create new subfolders.

If you'd like to change or remove some permissions for a user, click the permissions listed next to their email address, and choose a new set of permissions from the drop down box. You can also remove sharing altogether by clicking Remove.

Once sharing permissions have been removed for all users, the folder will no longer be shared.

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