Install Fastmail as a progressive web app (PWA)

Fastmail can be added to your device as a progressive web app, or PWA. Having Fastmail installed as a PWA allows you to access Fastmail as if it is an individual app on your device. Once installed, you'll see a Fastmail icon/shortcut, which can be added to your taskbar or dock if desired, and clicking on the icon/shortcut will open Fastmail in its own window.

To install Fastmail as a PWA, you can first log in to your Fastmail account on your preferred web browser. Depending on if your browser supports this, you'll see an icon for installing PWAs in or around the address bar area of the browser. Clicking on the icon should allow you to install Fastmail as an app.

Note: Depending on your device and browser, you may not be able to install Fastmail as a PWA. Below, we've included steps for installing Fastmail as a PWA on common browsers that support this.


  1. Log in to your Fastmail account in the Chrome browser.
  2. In the address bar, click the icon that looks like a monitor with a down arrow: pwa-chrome.png
  3. Click Install. Fastmail can now be used as a PWA on your device.


  1. Log in to your Fastmail account in the Safari browser.
  2. On the right side of the address bar, click the share icon, which looks like a square with an up arrow: pwa-safari.png
  3. Click Add to Dock. Fastmail can now be used as a PWA on your device.


  1. Log in to your Fastmail account in the Edge browser.
  2. In the address bar, click the icon that looks like a grid with a plus sign: pwa-edge.png
  3. Fastmail can now be used as a PWA on your device.
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